Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Beauty of Choices

"Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice." ~ Stephen R. Covey

Choice is empowering. However, the beauty of choice is often clouded in the overwhelm when there are so many options incoming. 

Maintaining balance in daily living is imperative to happiness and our decision making process either liberates or paralyzes us. We should always be journeying toward the expansion of our peace. 

There are "must do" tasks in life, but how we accomplish them determines the level of freedom we create by the execution of our choices. This requires we become less distracted and lean in to the challenge of determining what lessons our options present. 

The beauty of choice is that we can decide between creating increased life or lack and it is just that; our choice. If we are spinning our wheels in the glorification of staying busy we may look productive, but we become less effective over time and our lives are less joy filled.

Each decision broadens the path to expanded options leading to more opportunities for seeking and creating more freedom. To grow in awareness of your process is to become more mindful in your decision making.

True freedom awaits and it is always yours for the making.

Do your decisions liberate or paralyze you?
Are you mindful of how your decision making process is affecting your peace?
What tasks have you used to distract you from taking charge of your choices?

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