Saturday, September 9, 2017

Ripples of Purpose

"We are here but for a second, but our impact ripples through time." ~ Neetal Perekh

God has a purpose for our lives and we are always creating from His initial breath. Each inhale is granted as the first step toward possibility and it is our choice to live within His intention or not. Either way, the breath of life is finite within the earth plane as eventually, we all return to stardust to be repurposed in the Creator's plan. 

"When we focus our energies towards constructing a passionate meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration." ~ Christine Mason Miller

Our choices affect our "becoming" and will define our legacy. 

I see my children as my greatest contribution. The thought that becoming a mother would be part of the Creator's purpose as flow along His creative continuum continues to amaze me. As extensions of the Breath born through me, my son and daughter have become my eyes, ears, legs, hands, and heart. I stand in awe to reflect upon the idea of them as they were born to fulfill the continued purpose of God's intention.

I know that the person I am determines what I pour into my children and will create ripples of a profound impact upon creation and so through both trial and error, trusting in the Enlightenment of God I offer the best my human frailty can provide.

We are all gainfully employed by some endeavor either consciously or otherwise. If my decisions had not led to my becoming a mother, I would still need to consider the works to which I have committed my hands, head, and heart. It is our choice as to where we lend our energies and to what purpose our ripples of impact are being given while we are here. 

All are called, none are immune, all will be held accountable.

Almighty God has breathed life force energy into each of us. Consider all that is unfolding from your Being. Let us be ever mindful of our ripples as they vibrate out and across the continuum of Creation.

Thus far, what do you believe to be your greatest contribution to creation?
In what ways are your choices influencing your "becoming"?
What will be the legacy of your "ripples"?

"Some of us will make tiny ripples and others will send waves crashing, but each one will change the surface of the water forever." ~ Robin Dance

Join the journey and experience the joy of unfolding!