Sunday, February 12, 2017

No Pity Parties

"It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are finished." 
~ Debbie Macomber

I have a friend who is always there for me at any time for any reason with just one caveat. 

No pity parties.

At our last visit, we had butter cake topped with a scoop of ice cream. 

I should mention that I love ice cream, but it hates me. My friend knew well while watching the bliss of that first dollop on my tongue carry me straight to Jesus the torture that would soon rage through my system as a result. 

I called the next morning to relate my night of misery and received the usual flat response, "You knew what you were doing while you were doing it." 


My friend decided as always not to listen as I moaned my way through an ordeal of my own choosing.

"Each patient carries his own doctor inside him." ~ Norman Cousins

When called to bear the burdens of our faulty decision making setting the table for a pity party is tempting, but our choices are our responsibility alone.

All else being equal, the only difference between you and another is the quality of your decision making.

It's a challenge to examine the results of our choices, especially when they're initially gratifying. However, when the outcomes prove to be unpleasant the necessity to make changes becomes evident.

"And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician heal thyself."
 ~ Luke 4:23

Marinating in chaos of our own making creates opportunity for self reflective correction.When the Universe requires a shift in our thinking, a change of course exercise in the form of a huge bowl of discomfort may be just what the internal doctor ordered.   

We are free to choose what we will, but we are not excused from the consequences of a choice. Though for me, there is heaven in every spoonful, I know a scoop of ice cream proves to be "hell in a bowl". 

It never fails, but the power is in my hands to spare myself the aftermath if I choose to do so.

And friends ... don't let friends throw pity parties. 

How are you being victimized by your own choices?
When was your last pity party?
Would a shift in your decision making change your current circumstances?

"Instead of complaining about your situation, actually do something about it. Playing "poor me" just ain't sexy." ~ Miya Yamanouchi

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