Saturday, March 21, 2015

Keep Living

"People never learn anything from being told. They have to find out for themselves." ~ Paulo Coelho

My Grand Mother.

I believe I will never meet anyone smarter. Yes she was Grand, always ready with a pearl of wisdom.

In the shine of her firm, loving correction I expressed through the prism of an untested ego mind my unlimited knowledge. "Keep living," she would say, "sometimes you just have to bump your head and Grandmama will be here to pick up the pieces." 

Mind you, I was a college graduate. Fortunately, my Grand Mother knew more in her 5th grade education than I could glean from any book. She had allowed her life experiences to grow her into a useful guiding spirit in the earth plane. 

She returned to the Ancestors almost 20 years ago, yet she still speaks to me: 
"A chain can't rattle by itself. Your heart doesn't have any brains. Tongues don't come with an eraser. Careful, God has the power to show you who He is anytime He feels like it. Sometimes you just have to keep quiet and listen. The next time somebody gives you their ass to kiss, remember that we don't kiss ass. You won't see what I'm trying to tell you until you have your own children."
"Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child." ~ Proverbs 22:15

At varying stages of life we find ourselves thinking and behaving in ways that are "foolish". My daughter is, at fourteen, an authority on all things seen and unseen. As I am still growing through my "foolishness", it is now my turn to help her navigate the waters of hers. The child inside us is still progressing through the stages of awakening.

When we are open and mindful to receiving incoming wisdom, the lessons are absorbed with minimal shock to the system. But sometimes we just have to bump our heads.

As my Grand Mother would say, "Keep living."

Who is the smartest person you have ever known?
Have you bumped your head recently?
From what episode of "foolishness" are you awakening?

"How many things have to happen to you, before something occurs to you." ~ Robert Frost