~ Marcel Proust
There are constant callings in our lives. A calling is different though not separate from our purpose. I equate purpose with life's meaning. Callings exist within each experience along the journey and speak to our evolvement. Callings, when we are open to them, aid in the expansion of the heart and enable us to fulfill our purpose with authenticity. "Open your eyes, look within," as Bob Marley says.
"The truth hurts, but denial's what will kill you.
~ August Burns Red
We are always in the process of awakening from a trance of safety. A trance that insulates us and keeps us snug in our zones of comfort even when we are hurting. We see what we choose to see in every circumstance as we seek to make coping easier, our lives more palatable.
George Benson penned a moving piece entitled, "Everything Must Change". Together the lyric and melody spin a deep melancholy steeped in a healthy dose of reality. Embracing the message in this song can lead us into the space of our sacred heart. The space that calls to us each time we feel the sting of offense, sadness, loss, jealousy, abandonment, rejection, etc.
The list is endless, but each pang of discomfort calls our attention to a place within us in need of God's healing oil of love. If we awaken to the revelations concerning self in each calling, we can increase our capacity to love and vibrate higher. If we do not turn away, we can evolve more fully in our life's purpose.
"The truth is all around you, plain to behold."
~ George R.R. Martin
True freedom lies beyond the realm of our manufactured reality. As renowned author and teacher Jack Kornfield shares, "Liberation comes in finding composure amid all of life's experiences." Choose to trust God as He removes the scales from your eyes. Soon you will awaken and come to see yourself in and through Him with increasing clarity.
Are you weaving webs of unreality as shields from painful truths?
What trance is your heart calling you to awaken from?
Can you trust God to heal your life once the scales have been removed from your eyes?
Neo: "Why do my eyes hurt?"
Morpheus: "Because you've never used them before."
~ The Matrix
"Recover Yourself"
Available Now! https://www.amazon.com/Unfolding-Joy-Yourself-Nya-JoiLotus-ebook/dp/B078LZ8PC5
Join the journey and experience the joy of unfolding!