Sunday, February 8, 2015

We Are Our Intention

"What you mean is what you get." ~ Brenna Yovanoff

Vipassana or insight meditation embraces the Socratic dictum of "know thyself". It assists in looking deeply, in cutting through our created delusions by allowing present moment observation of body and mind. This practice aids in cultivating the inner wisdom needed to increase the present and mindful awareness of our words and actions each day.

"From the intention springs the deed, from the deed springs the habits, from the habits grow the character, from the character develops the destiny." ~ Chinese Buddhist text

Intention is defined as the purpose or attitude toward the effect of one's actions or conduct. Simply put, our intention creates our present reality. And unlike goal setting, this energy is not connected to outcomes. In contrast, it helps us stay connected with self, with the integrity of our inner being from moment to moment.

T. Harv Eker penned the saying, "where our attention goes our energy flows and results show." Our attention is born of our intention and our innate focus is what manifests the moments we experience in the present. Seeking to "know thyself" in a more meaningful way by examining the deeper truths hidden in your intention increases your understanding of every conscious action you are taking.

"Ye will know the truth and the truth will set you free." ~ John 8:32

My vipassana practice has revealed my deep desire for peace which includes becoming ever mindful in acceptance of self, releasing attachments, facing fears, forgiveness, non-judgement, and trusting the will and wisdom of God. My greatest wish is to learn to access that place in me that is peace filled with mindful consistency.

Exploring your intention at the deeper levels can provide insight into what is driving you toward the people, places, and things you believe to be necessary for your daily existence. Your present must dos and must haves are speaking volumes. Pause and listen to what this Divine inner wisdom wants to share.

What is the underlying intention steering your life's energetic direction?
Are you working from a place of mindful awareness of your intentions each day?
In what ways would your current circumstances improve with awareness of your intentions?