Sunday, January 11, 2015

How We Love

"Awake love is not an emotion it is a state of being. True love has no object. Many speak of their unconditional love for another. Unconditional love is the experience of being." ~ Steven Levine

I am becoming Love.

In our human existence, we love in different ways at different times under different circumstances. This often breeds what the Pali Canon calls stress, suffering or dukkha; which means "that which is hard to bear". Thai master, Ajaan Maha Boowa, translates it as, "whatever puts a squeeze on the heart".

Imagine the dismay of this dancer and serious academic mom, at a daughter's disinterest in ballet and a son's lackadaisical approach to his studies. When these disappointments "put a squeeze on my mommy heart" I believed my forced attempts at steering their pursuits was justified because I love them and I want what is best for them.

"When we say love, we usually mean some emotion or some deep feeling for an object or person that momentarily allows us to open to another, but in such emotional love self protection is never far away. Still there is "business" to the relationship." ~ Steven Levine

Clearly, my ego mind had "business" to tend to relating to my children. Translation, my dukkha was showing. Sitting in my dukkha during meditation permits quiet observation without judgement. Witnessing "that which is hard to bear" is always a challenge, but is the way toward freedom from the stress and suffering created by the ego's desire for control. 

With God's Hand of intention replacing mine, my daughter is growing into an accomplished scientist and violist and my son a developing writer and speaker.

"So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." ~ I John 4:16

As the Great "I Am" is Love, so are my children and I an extension of that Love. Embracing this Truth with an open heart helps redefine my experience in all my relationships. 

The goal is to be present and abide in Love. 

Becoming ever mindful of any agenda and releasing it to Love without seeking control by grasping, clinging, or manipulating. I know that all is evolving according to the perfect Will of God.

Finally I am becoming Love.

Can you identify the dukkha in your life?
Do you attempt to control others through clinging, grasping, or manipulation?
Are you willing to allow God's Hand to replace yours in every area of your life?

"You cannot unconditionally love another. You can only be unconditional love. It's not a dualistic emotion. It's a sense of openness with all that is. The experience of love arises when we surrender our separateness into the Universal. It is a feeling of unity. You don't love another you are another. There is no fear because there is no separation." ~ Steven Levine

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The BreakUp Call
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Unfolding With Joy
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