Sunday, January 4, 2015

Empty Your Cup

"You are like this tea cup, so full that nothing more can be added. Come back to me when the cup is empty. Come back to me with an empty mind." ~ Zen Proverb

Approaching this first weekend of a new year, I along with so many others continue to focus on resetting my energies. Last year was like any other strewn with growth exercises tailor made for my inner transformation. 

By far, the most profound wisdom afforded me was the value of learning to merge each triumph and trial into my spirit as I journey. I bow in honor to the lessons of the past year and I am grateful to move forward with increasing clarity, allowing what is necessary and discarding what no longer serves a purpose in my travels. 

The Creator has new blessings in disguise for each of us that will continue to facilitate our soul healing. Some will be joyful, others will be pain filled, but we must not shrink in fear. 

Remember that no experience, pleasant or ill desired lasts forever, but the Creator is ever faithful that the cup of our spirit will be filled with every good and perfect gift He has to give and it is His will that we elevate ever closer to Him. Choose gratitude for last year's sojourn, and step boldly into a new year in faith rejuvenated. 

Empty your cup in order that it might be filled anew. 

What lessons from last year are you most grateful for?
What new truth(s) are you merging into your spirit?
Are you willing to face this year's growth challenges?

"Dear Lord, Show me the empty places in my heart and the ways I try to fill them. Then lead me back to You and show me how I can position my heart to be filled and fulfilled by your promises and the power of Your Love." ~ Renee Swope

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