Sunday, December 21, 2014

Reflecting On Birthdays

"We start as fools and become wise through experience." ~ African Proverb

I welcomed another birthday this week and I am finding as the years pass, the theme of each solar anniversary changes. This year I awakened to gratitude. Not just for family, health, hearth, and home, but for learning. 

My grandfather used to say, "God gave us two ears and one mouth for one reason; He wants us to listen twice as much as we talk."

"So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." ~ Romans 10:17

I have finally begun absorbing the wisdom of my grandfather's advice. The past few years have been trying and due to my commitment to lean in and listen I have grown through each experience. Though this is a far more challenging approach to living as opposed to deflection when something doesn't feel good or suit my ego mind, it is the path to transformation and merging with the higher self.

"Age has given me what I have been looking for my entire life. It has given me, me." ~ Anne Lamott

I do not feel older, I feel wiser. Not so much because I know more, but because I am open to knowing more. I have become less fearful of the closed doors lining the dark hallway of the unknown. My surrender to the Creator's plan for my life promises that enlightenment awaits beyond each of them. 

My goal now is to want for nothing. To be at peace in each moment granted. To extinguish the controlling desires of my ego self and no longer live in resistance to change. I want to believe each year will grow me closer to Nirvana, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Knowing that even in difficult times I can find purpose and take meaning in every challenge, my freedom increasing with each step.

How do you view your birthdays?
Are you leaning in to your experiences as they are happening?
What are you learning from the person you are becoming?
"I said to the sun, 'Tell me about the big bang.' The sun said, "It hurts to become." ~ Andrea Gibson

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