Emotional balance is not synonymous with a constant state of happiness. Being realistic and accepting the series of upward twists and downward spirals as what most often occurs in our lives to be the normal rhythm of human existence is a very real challenge for us all. Working toward a general feeling of satisfaction with our lives as opposed to the mythical attainment of the idyllic "pie in the sky" Pleasantville is sure to produce the least amount of overall suffering.
"He wept, and it felt as if the tears were cleansing him, as if his body needed to empty itself." ~ Lois Lowry
That life guarantees moments of great joy as well as tremendous anguish means there is a never ending purpose for our tears. Crying is more than an emotional release as our tears help the body cleanse itself of toxins at the mental, spiritual, and physical levels. If frustrated or overwhelmed with sadness or joy, crying is a sign you are experiencing something that must be dealt with or settled. Aside from an organic release, some still yet evolving souls resort to the inauthentic means of using tears for a social purpose as manipulation to win someone over to a way of thinking, to acquire a want, or get a perceived immediate need met. Whatever the cause, the cup of your spirit runneth over and the chemicals released in your tears reduces pain, anxiety, and stress.
"When your heart speaks, take good notes." ~ Judith Campbell
The chakras are the body's internal energy system and the heart, anahata, is seated at its center as the place from which love, joy, and inner peace emanate. All feelings must filter through the heart; the simple and the complex, the joyous and the morose, the unsettling and the soothing. Allowing our tears to flow helps facilitate this process. When the heart chakra is blocked symptoms like hopelessness, distrust, respiratory problems, hypertension, and premature aging can manifest.
We must permit ourselves to experience the full gamut of our emotions from the deepest levels. Holding them in over the long term can be detrimental to physical health, mental stability, and overall personal well being. So have a good cry. Release your pain, reveal your joy and embrace pure self love in the space of the Higher Heart. It is there the truer experiences of Unconditional Universal Love await us.
"Tears are words the mouth can't say nor can the heart bare." ~ Joshua Wisenbaker
What is the present condition of your heart?
Have you been avoiding the experience of your emotional responses?
What keeps you from allowing yourself to "feel" your emotions?
When was the last time you had a good cry?