Come Autumn, many moms will be packing the belongings of their only, eldest, or last child to take the forward leap into collegiate life. The rewards of this bittersweet chapter carry the prospect of an "empty nest" which breeds gleeful anticipation in the hearts of many yet for others it looms as a feeling of dread to be endured. It's amazing that we behave as if the sweeter experiences in life won't unfold in ways that are not everlasting and how taken aback we are when they do.
While enjoying a bowl of your favorite ice cream, does the inevitable last spoonful occur to you? Your first day working for a great company, are you focused on the possibility of it folding? When hanging out with your closest circle of friends, do you imagine a time when the circle will be broken? The moment you believe you have seen eternal bliss in someone's eyes, do you fathom the moment they no longer see that light in yours?
Enter Fear. For it is in these latter moments, now that we have been "abandoned" by our life lines and centers of contentment, we discover where we have been seeking our fulfillment. Where do we go now and to whom do we look to fill our cups consistently with all we need?
"And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." ~ 2 Corinthians 9:8
Inadequate maintenance of a mindful connection to the Creator as source and provision was an abrupt lesson to learn in the midst of tremendous heartache. As my "Hallmark" life crumbled around me and I faced grief and loss at every turn, I found I had been reliant upon pipelines of limited supply. The Creator was not my source, I had "outsourced" my peace and joy filled moments to the people and things in my life I had given the power to create them.
We all know those who confess what they believe but once core tested their confidence proves it never took root and bloomed on the inside. The Creator provides all we are in need of materially, emotionally, and spiritually from His Universal Power and it exists in abundance.
This means the Hand of the Creator is never shortened. He has plenty of whatever we desire including friends, surrogate moms and dads, children to nurture, material gain, and yes, new Adams and Eves with whom to share our hearts.
Allow your cup to be filled from the One who lacks no good thing and whose will it is to bless you. A full cup means freedom from fear. When you know your every need is met you can be like the sparrow, which the Creator's Eye is always upon and you have the blessed assurance you always matter to Him.
Welcome His love, health, joy, peace, and plenty. Embrace the carefree essence of the sparrow. Be a sparrow.
How full is your cup?
Do you live in fear of loss or abandonment of a circumstance, an individual, or lifestyle?
What/Whom other than the Creator are you dependent upon to provide fulfillment in your life?
"Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are numbered. So do not fear, you are worth more than many sparrows." ~ Matthew 10: 29-31
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Available Now on Amazon! Unfolding With Joy Recover Yourself |
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Available Now on Amazon! The BreakUp Call Learn To Be Your Own Bae |
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Available Soon on Amazon Unfolding With Joy Rediscover Yourself and Getting To Know You The Value Of Our Alone Time |
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